Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction


by Robert Theobold

It is sad to see Bedford Borough and Bedfordshire County Council competing to become the unitary or EU sub-regional authority for the north of the county. In attempting to destroy each other they are playing the EU’s game. The EU’s ‘top-down’ system of local government consists of Region, (eg East of England Region) Unitary authority or ‘sub-region’, (eg Luton) and Parish Council (sub-sub region). It is answerable to Brussels and has stealthily stolen from people any real power to influence their local affairs.

EU regionalism continues to weaken our Westminster parliament. Why should we put up with this dictatorial EU local government system when EU membership now costs Britain £26 million per day and our trade deficit with the EU has grown by 245% in the last 8 years?

Swiss Studies show that voluntary work for the authorities in smaller communities is still very common and that social integration, contentment, political competence and confidence are more intense in them than in bigger communities. Smaller communities in Switzerland have livelier and more direct democracy.

Small communities also have financial advantages. Costs and debt per resident are clearly lower in regions with many small communities. Switzerland’s higher standard of living shows that decentralised, small size structures do not obstruct economic development. In fact Swiss small-scale, federalist and direct democratic structures would cease to exist if the dead hand of EU bureaucracy was on them. (www.current

Disgruntled councillors quitting in droves
EU propagandists may claim that English parish Councils are being retained. Yes, but in name only. They will simply be re-badged EU’s sub-sub regional bodies with more tax raising powers. Disgruntled, experienced parish councillors are quitting in droves.

People do not want war, but the spirit of subordination under the orders of their superiors gets them used to obeying and ordering. In this way the large political and economic structures that rule the world today can pursue goals other than the common good.
EU Regionalism demands obedient subordination of the people to their superiors and is incompatible with either representative government or with peace.

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Notes on "Communist" Councils in New Zealand


Colonel B.S. Turner, C Eng., F.I. Mech. E.

Colonel Barry Turner was asked to comment on a paper by Mr. John Christian titled "Communist" Councils in New Zealand.
Col. Turner's comments are a good summary of the present situation in the western world.

A copy of John Christian's important paper it is available from:
Robert Theobald 01582 724644 int +44 1582 724644

On first perusing "Communist" Councils in New Zealand many individuals whose superficial perceptions of national and international affairs are largely cultivated in pubs, clubs, golf club bars, and by the controlled communications media with its array of "talking heads", may well catch their breath at the opening paragraphs and the apparent enormity of the statements therein.

As it is, popular perceptions, especially those of the broad and conveniently amorphous "middle classes" -- whatever this term actually means -- have been systematically conditioned over many years by "trigger terms" such as "conspiracy", "conspiracy theory", "fascist", neo-Nazi", "hard Left", "far Right", "anti-Semitism", "racism", "discrimination", "Islamo-terrorism", "Islamo-fascism" and so on. All too often such terms are deliberately invoked to convey a particular impression or distortion with the intention of deterring rational, analytical thought and enquiry.
Unfortunately, there are well-informed authorities, such as the American author Eustace Mullins, whose sometimes intemperate approach invites the "conspiracy" cachet. Nevertheless, there is a wealth of wholly responsible and meticulously researched material that the sceptic would do well to consult before it is too late, and our independence is lost.

With the advantage over the potential sceptics and uninitiated, of 20 years of intensive research and analysis, I am confident that the content and claims of "Communist" Councils in New Zealand are essentially correct. I have checked the details from my own archives and standard references, such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica on Fabianism and the Internationals, Who's Who, Fabian Society publications, annual reports of banks and corporations and so on.

Jane Stoddart [1] and Rose L. Martin [2] have published important and definitive works on Socialism -- which has a clear international ideology, clearly reflected in "Communist" Councils in New Zealand . It is important, in view of the magnitude and profound implications of the subject, to amplify some of the content in certain respects. However, it is first necessary to add a strong note of caution in the case of the British Monarchy.

Her Majesty a Constitutional Monarch
Certain individuals, especially Americans, entertain an almost unhealthy fascination for the British Monarchy, its role and influence, which tends to be reflected in the text of "Communist" Councils in New Zealand. Lacking understanding of some 2,000 years of the mystique and tradition organic to the British psyche, they draw for themselves unrealistic and simplistic images.

Some palpable Nonsense
The analyst and commentator Lyndon LaRouche, whose organisation produces some excellent work, is not untypical of this. The image he portrayed of Her Majesty the Queen as presiding over the international drug cartels at a time when she would have been a young woman barely ascended the Throne was palpable nonsense.

Likewise images of Her Majesty personally involved at the centre of a global financial network. Inevitably she has to move in such circles. Surrounded by discreet courtiers and advisers, the Monarchy is inherently wealthy and must function within the common global economic model - as does the rest of society at all levels.
Paradoxically, it is from the stable of LaRouche that we have an interesting account of the management of the Royal finances from a book on the late Tiny Rowland [3]

The observer will know that monarchies around the world, reigning, constitutional, redundant or deposed, constitute, with their ancient traditions, a discreet power group of their own. That said, when simplistically attributing legislation to Her Majesty, it must be recognised that the British Monarchy is a Constitutional Monarchy. Her Majesty will be privy to affairs of state and is endowed with considerable experience over a reign of more than half a century, but legislation is nevertheless carried out by the Government in her name.

At the heart of "Communist" Councils in New Zealand lies Power and its control in the progressive centralisation of that Power on a global scale. Arguably, this situation can only be challenged meaningfully by the mass of an informed and independent middle class. Within this scenario the ultimate control is that of Money Power. This we need to consider before examining the organisations and mechanisms involved in the exercise of that Power.

Why economy is fundamentally bankrupt
In the context of "Communist" Councils in New Zealand we must consider why the economy is fundamentally bankrupt, and the manner of the issuance of money interest free by governments into the public domain to satisfy the national requirement. Essentially, this means in the form of "cash"-- notes and coins (the official term for which is "M0"). But between 1950 and 2000, and the progressive transition to a "cheque book" system, the percentage of this interest-free money fell from 50 per cent to 3 per cent. Instead of issuing the balance of the original requirement in the form of low interest or interest free government bonds, this balance has been increasingly borrowed from the private banking system at interest charged to the public purse and paid through taxation. Hence the escalation of the National Debt and concomitant constraints on public service expenditure.

At the same time the virtually unregulated creation of money by the private banking system has proceeded apace, thus increasing corporate as well as individual and government liabilities. Inherent in this debt-based system of money creation is the fundamental principle that debt chases its tail as an insatiable overhead. Public services, pensions, mortgages, student and other private debt are fast approaching a state of financial meltdown. The sell-off of capital assets -- the "family silver"- through privatisation, private finance initiatives (PFI), sale and lease back of public property are doomed to failure in the long term as the capital accrued is inevitably dissipated to service the debt.

More accurately seen as a power-grid
I have frequently portrayed global debt-based finance as an inverted cone growing ever higher as it spins in precarious equilibrium. It may also be likened to the life-giving blood circulation system of the human body. More accurately, however, it may be seen as an electricity power grid by which those in control can regulate the flow, increasing or restricting the capacity, directing or cutting the supply.
By this debt-based system a privileged, powerful section of the financial and investing sector of the community is living off the backs of the rest of society. It must also be recognised that the basic purpose of money is to facilitate the exchange of goods and services, not to be traded and regulated as a commodity in its own right for massive profit on what is now a computerised global scale. Thus it was in the early 1930's of the Great Depression, when the progressive consolidation of financial power was well underway, that the Earl of Tankerville spoke of Poverty Amidst Plenty, in which the denial of the fruits of production and the earth's natural resources was imposed by artificial financial constraints. In his monumental 1,348 pages Professor Carroll Quigley, himself an "insider", exposed how this private global economic hegemony was being brought about [4].

To whom do we owe these debts?
In 1987 Lady Caroline Neill wrote from All Soul's College, Oxford, to The Daily Telegraph under the heading "In quest of the markets' missing millions". She posed the question "…all nations are in the same boat to a greater or lesser degree. To whom, then, do we owe these debts? To each other, to the International Monetary Fund or its associates in the banking world?" In 2006 the Bromsgrove Group for Monetary and Economic Reform issued a Paper in which the money system was explained, and which embodied the method by which public debt could easily and logically be contained and reduced [5].

Over the years countless books have been written on the money "question". As early as 1876 American industrialist, William A Berkey, wrote of the power of money with specific reference to the involvement of the Rothschilds during and after the Civil War of 1861-63 [6].
More recently, in 1983, James Gibb Stuart published an exposure which resulted in a high level reprisal against an entirely unconnected business venture [7]. In 1998 Robin Ramsay wrote compellingly how the City of London gained control first, over the Conservative Party; secondly over the "New" Labour Party [8]. In 1998 Michael Rowbotham wrote two books with significantly appropriate titles [9] [10].

What is this Power, and how is it exercised?
There are numerous strands to this complex web. In 1921 Nesta Webster published a meticulously researched book on the World Revolution [11]. In this she traced the continuity of the revolutionary conspiracy from the Illuminati of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789, through the evolution of Marxism and Socialism in its various forms to the Bolshevik uprising of 1917. Inevitably she exposed the leading role of certain elements of the Jewish Community, already epitomised in finance by the Rothschilds.

A leading advocate of the Social Credit Movement, Major C.H. Douglas, who had been closely involved with the logistics of the 1914-18 War, also identified this link. Consequently, exponents of monetary and economic reform have often been vilified by accusations of anti-semitism.
It is therefore worth noting that Nesta Webster's insights were considered credible enough for her to be invited to address a meeting in the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, on 30th November 1920, on "The Origin and Progress of the World Revolution". By special request she was invited to speak again on the subject to officers and NCO's of the Brigade of Guards in London, on 10th March 1921.
On the 8th February 1920, no less than Winston Churchill wrote an article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald with the title "Zionism versus Bolshevism -- A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People". Already a seasoned Cabinet Minister, Churchill referred to the work of Nesta Webster and fairly associated International Jews with the "world-wide conspiracy", rather than the Jewish community as a whole.

1919 saw the formation of the (later Royal) Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), under the auspices of Lord Milner, This was followed by its closely associated group in the United States; the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). From this was spawned affiliated organisations around the world, such as the Institute of Pacific Affairs and the Round Table Groups. (In Australia the Australian Institute of International Affairs…ed) [12]
In due course we had the very powerful American tax-exempt foundations and trusts such as Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie. Joining this network in various roles we had organisations such as the Tavistock Institute, the Aspen Institute, Ditchley Foundation, Group of 30, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

A study of this unelected elite network reveals the cross linkage of these Global Powerbrokers. The record also reveals the conterminous relationship between Socialism, International Fabian Socialism and International Finance Capitalism. We should also remember that the second "S" in USSR stood for "Socialist". The Marxist World Revolution to destroy the Existing Order of the Bourgeoisie (In the 19th Century as owners of the land and the means of production), included the destruction of the Nation State (Nationalism), the family, religion, morality and the elimination of private property and inheritance.

In 1931 Professor Arnold Toynbee, Director of Studies at the RIIA, delivered an address in Copenhagen, in which he declared the aim of "a deliberate and sustained and concentrated effort to impose limitations upon sovereignty and the independence of the fifty or sixty local sovereign independent states which at present partition the habitable surface of the earth and divide the political allegiance of mankind".

On 19th November 1937, the Fabian Nicholas Murray Butler addressed a banquet in London with the words, "Communism is the instrument with which the financial world can topple national governments and then erect a world government with a world police and world money".

By chance I acquired a copy of the "personal and strictly confidential" Report of a Bilderberg Conference which took place in Canada in 1968. Papers tabled at that Conference reflected clearly the coming process of globalisation to a stage when corporations would become more powerful than sovereign national governments. In the 1970's C. Gordon Tether, a respected financial journalist and founder of the "Lombard" column in the Financial Times, began to expose the pressure for centralisation in a European Economic Community, the influence of the Bilderberg Group, and the power of the international financial markets. With a change of editor he found his work increasingly censored until he was removed from his column altogether. [13]

When violent revolution -- the "Armed Struggle" of Communist Doctrine -- failed to take off in Western Europe, the revolution took the form of the Ideological Struggle. Thus we had the formation of the Institute for Social Research, the "Frankfurt School" in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany in 1923. [14]

I have been at pains not to stress the well-catalogued involvement of Jews in this commentary in fairness to the wider Jewish Community as a whole. But here we had three such; Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse. Thus began work to destabilise tradition, morality, religion and the family -- Gramsci's "long march through the institutions". This has shaped society as it is today at the very highest levels. One element of this has been Political Correctness (P.C.), which has progressively constrained freedom and independence of thought and expression. Dr. Frank Ellis, formerly lecturer in Soviet Studies at Sheffield University, is himself a target of the Politically Correct attack. In the Winter, 2002, edition of The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, he published a definitive paper "Political Correctness and the Ideological Struggle: From Lenin and Marx to Marcuse and Foucault". In this he revealed the continuity of Marxism-Leninism in the process of social and moral destabilisation.

What is the state of play today?
David C. Korten [15] Noreena Hertz [16] and John Pilger [17] have each written of the Global Oligarchy and Corporate Power from their individual perspectives. All tell much the same story. The relationship of the organisations and mechanisms of this Power may perhaps be visualised as an interrelated, interdependent pattern of rings, rather like the interlocking rings of the symbol of the Olympic Games. Harder to evaluate is the life-giving, coordinating "core" of the whole, if one exists. Or is the corporate structure moving towards its own ultimate destruction and that of the planet?

What is certain in the United Kingdom is that the present 'New' Labour Government and its associates and sponsors function no differently to the elite, corrupt and privileged Soviet Nomenklatura. In half a century of wealth redistribution, the Middle Classes have expanded in a material sense rather than culturally or socially. The wealth producing, professional, managerial and academic element is beleaguered, increasingly emasculated intellectually by a continual application of the Marxist Class War -- the Ideological Struggle. Economic slavery involves individual debt standing now at £1,000,000,000,000. Thom Hartmann writes of a comparable situation in the United States [18]

Reference is rarely made to the bloated super-rich of off-shore tax havens, vast profits and bonuses bled from the financial markets, or the land-owning and professional elites in that grey area between the mass of the ordinary Middle Classes and the wealthy "upper" Middle Classes, and the Upper Classes.

Similarly, reference is rarely made in this context to the grossly over-paid celebrity culture of the media, entertainment, fashion, advertising and sporting industries. No reference is made to exclusive access to the best education and healthcare and other resources open only the wealthy elite, leaving the ordinary Middle Classes exposed to the Class War.

'Demand' engineered by money
In the context of "Communist" Councils in New Zealand, and the attack on private property and inheritance, one should recognise that the pretext for the Residential Property Tax in targeting the captive, vulnerable mass of the Middle Classes, is justified by escalating property values.
But the property market is a direct function of demand engineered by money made available by the financial sector. Thus when mortgage offers in the United Kingdom have risen successively from 4, to 5, to 6 times the salary multiple, the Middle Classes are trapped by this deliberate strategy.

On the 9th April, 2007 The Guardian newspaper reported a Ministry of Defence Study of possible future commitments "Revolution, flash mobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future". The findings concluded that the Middle Classes could one day become a Marxist type "revolutionary class" against the growing gap between the Middle Classes, the super-rich and the urban underclass. We should be warned!

(1) Stoddart Jane T. The New Socialism -- An Impartial Inquiry. Hodder Stoughton, 1909.
(2) Martin, Rose L. Fabian Freeway -- High Road to Socialism in the USA. Western Islands, 1966.
(3) EIR. Investigative Team. Tiny Rowland--The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa, Executive Intelligence Review, 1993.
(4) Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope -- A History of the World in our Time. The Macmillan Company, 1966.
(5) McConnachie, Alistair, B.S.c.(Agric Econ) and Associates. Clarifying Our Proposals -- A Report for the Tenth Annual Bromsgrove Conference, 26th October, 2006.
(6) Berkey, William A. Monetary System of the United States, W.W.Hart, 1876.
(7) Stuart, James Gibb. The Money Bomb. Wlliam Maclellan (Embryo) Ltd., 1983.
(8) Ramsay, Robin. Prawn Cocktail Party -- The Hidden Power Behind New Labour. Vision Paperbacks, 1998.
(9) Rowbotham, Michael. The Grip of Death -- A study of modern money, debt slavery and destructive economics. Jon Carpenter, 1998.
(10) Rowbotham, Michael. Goodbye America! Globalisation, debt and the dollar empire. Jon Carpenter, 2000.
(11) Webster, Nesta H. World Revolution -- The Plot against Civilisation. Constable and Company Ltd., 1921.
(12) Quigley, Carroll. The Anglo-American Establishment -- From Rhodes to Cliveden. Books in Focus Inc., 1981.
(13) Tether, C Gordon, in association with John Coleman. The Banned Articles of C Gordon Tether. 1977.
(14) Slater, Phil. Origins and Significance of the Frankfurt School. Routledge and Kegan Paul 1977.
(15) Korten, David C. When Corporations Rule The World. Berrett Kohler Inc., Kumarian Press, 2001.
(16) Hertz, Noreena. The Silent Takeover -- Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy. William Heinemann, 2001.
(17) Pilger, John. The New Rules of the World. Verso 2002.
(18) Hartmann, Thom. Screwed -- The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It. Berrett Kohler Inc. San Francisco, 2006.

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